Go Green Westville!

Welcome to The Westville Environmental Commission’s blog!

The Environmental Commission of the Borough of Westville, Gloucester County, New Jersey, promotes conservation and development of the Borough’s natural resources, study and provides educational leadership in all areas of environmental concern, instill community pride by creating awareness, understanding and appreciation of the environment through education and participation, and make recommendations to the various governing bodies.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Upcoming Events

Butterfly Garden Dedication

Saturday, September 25

2:00 pm

The garden at Thomas West Park will officially be dedicated Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. We also will be distributing native plants.

Please come join the Environmental Commission in thanking everyone for their contributions to this award winning project.

Fall Fest

October 9th on Broadway

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Westville Environmental Commission will have a booth at The Borough of Westville's first annual Fall Fest!

Stop by and visit for information on the NJ Community Partners Initiative, rain barrels, native plants, a children's activity, and more!

Make A Difference Day

Saturday, October 23, 8 a.m.

The Commission is sponsoring a fall clean up day for National Make A Difference Day. Make A Difference Day is the nation's largest day of service. Created by USA WEEKEND Magazine, Make A Difference Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Saturday of every October. Millions of people throughout the country participate.

Trash bags and gloves will be provided. Please meet at the gazebo on River Drive at 8 a.m. to help beautify our town and make a difference together!

The next meeting of the Environmental Commission is October at 7:00 pm.

All meetings are at 114 Crown Point Rd and open to the public.

Shoreline restoration project at Thomas West Park

You may have noticed the depleted shorelines at Thomas West Park.
You may also have noticed the new addition of coir logs.
The brown (serpent looking) objects in the banks are coir logs.

In conjunction with Public Works, the Westville Environmental
Commission is currently working to control and prevent erosion on the shores of the stream and pond at Thomas West Park. Coir logs were delivered and installed. Then native plants were planted into the logs.

The coir logs act as an anchor for the erosion. However, once the native plants are established on the shoreline, the plants will take over the task of controlling erosion. This is an ongoing project with several stages planned.

If you would like to help with this project, please email us at
GreenWestville@westville-nj.com or stop by speak with anyone you see
working in the gardens at Thomas West Park. We are always looking for
volunteers and new members! Working at the park and gardens is a
great way to give back to the community and the environment.

As always, meetings are welcome to the public.

The next meeting is October 6th, 7:00 p.m., 114 Crown Point Rd.