Go Green Westville!

Welcome to The Westville Environmental Commission’s blog!

The Environmental Commission of the Borough of Westville, Gloucester County, New Jersey, promotes conservation and development of the Borough’s natural resources, study and provides educational leadership in all areas of environmental concern, instill community pride by creating awareness, understanding and appreciation of the environment through education and participation, and make recommendations to the various governing bodies.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


During the week of July 22nd to July 29th, the Westville Environmental Commission needs help installing 22 coconut fiber "coir logs" to control erosion in the pond and stream at Thomas West Park.  Originally scheduled for June 10th, the project was delayed by material shortage beyond the manufacturer's control.

Each coir log is 12 feet long and 12 inches wide and weighs 60 pounds. Volunteers will help:

1. Unload the truck
2. Unwrap the logs
3. Place logs in water
4. Secure logs with stakes

The preferred installation day is Monday (weather permitting) July 22nd or July 29th, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  Preferred work attire includes hats, gloves and rubber boots or hip waders.  Mallets or sledgehammers are appreciated.  Bring a snack.  We'll provide cold water.

E-mail the days you are available to Marie Callaghan at mtcallaghan1@verizon.net or phone Joyce Lovell at 856-456-2308 with questions. Whatever help you can provide would be appreciated.

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